Monday, March 30, 2015

The 35th Day of Lent- Monday in Holy Week- Luke 15:14- Bottom

The younger son in this story had lost himself.  Whether it was his lack of maturity, greed, or some combination of other things, this son was not himself.

Have you ever known someone who lost himself or herself? I have.  It's a frightening and disturbing thing, especially when it is someone you know and love.  Who is this person?  What has he or she become?  This is not the person I once knew.  The place that I've seen it happen is with alcohol or other drugs, but there are other ways people can lose themselves. Something else takes control, changing the person into someone entirely different.

This happened to the younger son.  Surely he knew better than to waste his portion of the inheritance in the way that he did. He couldn't control his impulsive actions.   But, and here's the grace in this story, "he came to himself."  He did hit bottom and "came to himself."  Sadly, not everyone who hits bottom finds himself again.  And many need help- medical, spiritual, and psychological, to find their way back to their true self.  But it can happen.  I've seen it, and it is a miracle of God.

So there is hope for those you know and love who may have lost themselves.  If you feel like you have lost your true self, there is hope for you as well.  God is still present at the bottom.  Perhaps it is that very bottom that God uses to help one find their true self.  It happened for this younger brother.  It can happen for you and those you love as well.  Is there someone you know who you believe has lost their true self?  Pray for that person today, that God will make it possible for them to find themselves once again.    

1 comment:

  1. I like the devotion's comment that although we ask much of God, it is not nearly as much as God is willing to give.
