Wednesday, April 1, 2015

37th Day of Lent- Wednesday of Holy Week- Luke 15:20- The Run

Image result for father running prodigal son

I've always been struck by the fact that the father runs to his lost, as good as dead son, before the son has time to even say a word.  The son had a long time to think about what he would say.  His words were well rehearsed.  "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you."  But, as it turns out, he really didn't need that speech.  The father ran to him out of compassion and love, before he said a word.

Add to this, as the devotion suggests, that this would have been seen as an act of humiliation on the part of the father, and you really see the depth of the father's love.  He was willing to be personally humiliated by others, so great was his love for his son.  The parallel with Jesus is clear.  "Insulted, shamed, giving up His dignity, He willingly bared His body on the cross that we might come home in repentance again and again."  That's something to think about as we approach Good Friday.  The Father runs to welcome us back, no matter how far we have strayed.  His humiliation  becomes our reconciliation.  What an act of love! 


  1. Nothing seems greater than the unconditional love a parent has for a child. I am comforted to know that the only thing greater than this is the love God has for me and everyone else. This kind of love is to great for me to even comprehend.

  2. Beautifully stated, Jim! You are such a loving father and grandfather! I didn't realize the humiliation that the father in the parable accepted because he loved his son so much. Perfect analogy to the cross

  3. Beautifully stated, Jim! You are such a loving father and grandfather! I didn't realize the humiliation that the father in the parable accepted because he loved his son so much. Perfect analogy to the cross
