Two years ago the Rocky Mountain Synod, which is made up of the 165 congregations of our denomination across the Rocky Mountain west, had as a theme, "Deeply Rooted- Bearing Fruit." The image was a tree with deep roots in the soil, producing abundant fruit on its branches.
Today's devotion is about being deeply rooted in the good news and promises of God's love. With shallow roots, when "tribulation or persecution arises," the plant is unable to endure, and dies. But with deep roots, the plant holds fast, perseveres, and lives.
How do we grow deep roots? For me, it is through the fundamental spiritual practices of reading God's Word, prayer, worship, receiving Christ in bread and wine, and service. It is doing what you are doing in participating in this devotional practice during Lent. It is being with and supporting one another in the Body of Christ.
In all these ways we become rooted in God's promises, able to hold fast and live in hope when the difficult times come. I pray God will keep me deeply rooted, bearing fruit, through all the joys and trials of life.
THANKS for this complete list of spiritual practices that will keep us deeply rooted - each one is valuable!!!