This is really not a parable about the one who delivers, or perhaps better, shares God's Word. As part of my call as pastor, I regularly share God's Word, which is both a privilege and awesome responsibility. I simply try and do my best to present the Word in a way it might be heard , recognizing that, without the Holy Spirit, there really is no power in what I have to say.
But this parable is not about how to craft a good sermon. This parable is about being ready to receive God's Word in my life and understand how it applies to me. It's about being open and receptive to what God has for me. If I'm not open to the work of the Spirit, the most finely crafted sermon in the world will not impact me. On the other hand, if I am open, God can speak to me even when the one sharing is not on the top of his or her game. As a seed planted in good and fertile soil will sprout and grow, so also God's Word planted in a receptive hear will bear much fruit. In the words of Handt Hanson, who wrote the hymn "Lord Let My Heart be Good Soil" (ELW #512),
"Lord, let my heart be good soil,
open to the seed of your word.
Lord, let my heart be good soil,
where love can grow and peace is understood.
When my heart is hard, break the stone away.
When my heart is cold, warm it with the day.
When my heart is lost, lead me on your way.
Lord, let my heart, Lord, let my heart, Lord, let my heart be good soil."
This is such a valuable perspective to take on this parable! If WE take responsibility for allowing the Spirit to show us what God wants us to hear in a message, then the word will be "finishing the sermon in our own lives."