One of the blessings of being the pastor of a congregation is to be in the position to see that little things really do matter. On any given day, in any given week, there are countless little things people do that all add up to make a difference in people's lives. From an individual prayer, to Stephen Ministers meeting with Care Receivers, to choir or band practice, to meeting about solar power, to serving a meal for Family Promise guests, to reading a lesson in church, to giving a donation to an organization that helps others- the list is truly endless. In the end, all these little things grow into a great mustard shrub, not just at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, but God's kingdom in its many expressions throughout the whole world. It truly is amazing when you stop to think about it, how, from a band of a dozen disciples (Matthias was chosen to replace Judas), who were scared and uncertain about what it now meant to follow Jesus after his death and resurrection, the Christian community arose, grew, and still flourishes today.
We all have our small part to play. In God's kingdom, small things do matter, for God can use whatever we have to offer. What "small thing" or in what "small way," to you contribute to the kingdom?
I think we should consider this daily: In what small ways will I contribute today?