Friday, February 27, 2015

9th Day of Lent Matthew 13:25- Sleepers

In this parable, you can't really blame the workers for sleeping.  Everyone needs sleep.  There's no indication they were supposed to be guarding the field or that they "fell asleep on the job."  No, the blame for this is on the enemy, who, in the dark of night, scattered weed seeds in the field, intentionally sabotaging the field.  That's a bad guy who needs to be held accountable for his actions.

But, the author's point that as Christians we do need to stay alert and be on guard against the enemy, is a valid one.  The Advent season before Christmas always begins with lessons about the end times, urging believers to keep alert, for we do not know the day or hour of Christ's return.  We are called to "live ready," for we truly do not know what the future might bring or how long we will be given the gift of life. 

And how do we "live ready?"  Getting enough sleep is important, for when we are tired we think less clearly, are more stressed, and are more vulnerable to temptation.  Being physically active matters, for when we are physically fit, we feel better and that makes us spiritually stronger.  And as we nurture our spiritual lives through prayer, worship, and time spent with God, we can rest in God's grace and live ready for whatever the future brings.

 There's nothing wrong with sleeping.  We all need that.  But it's also important to be alert and ready when we are awake.  For the enemy is out there, looking for opportunities to sabotage our relationship with God.  Let's be on guard, to keep that from happening. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you affirmed the importance of sleep! As I read this illustration I think of how much I need sleep because it restores and renews me...I awake with renewed convictions and hope! I pray that God's Spirit will alert me when I need to be fully awake.
