Wednesday, February 25, 2015

7th Day of Lent Matthew 13:32-33- Seeing as God Sees

Last weekend we had our annual council retreat Friday evening and Saturday.  It was a blessing for many reasons, but in particular because it gave us time to think about the big picture of the congregation.  We were able to review our mission statement and the specific initiatives we had planned three years ago.  We were able to spend time thinking about where we are today, and where we would like to be.

Almost always, the church council is concerned with the immediate day to day and month to month functions of the church.  This is important, for how we are meeting the more immediate needs is vital.  But as today's devotion suggests, God's vision is more than just the immediate and the little.  God is a big picture God.  A tiny mustard seeds becomes an enormous shrub.  A little leaven, leavens the whole loaf.  The impact of the gospel is immediate, but also expansive.

I spend a lot of time working with the immediate.  I find comfort in knowing that what the future will finally bring for both our congregation and God's kingdom, is in God's hands. I find assurance in knowing God's vision is great and will be carried out in accordance with God's will.

In the meantime, today's prayer seems very appropriate.  "Lord, extend my vision beyond the immediate and the little.  Amen"

1 comment:

  1. It seems we need to achieve a balance between valuing the little things because they contribute to the big picture, and looking beyond our own, small sphere.
