We hear about acts of violence every day in our world. Is the world more violent than ever, or, is it that we now have instant access to when violence occurs, pictures and all, through modern communications? Probably a combination of the two. People have access to more violent weapons, and then violent acts get posted on the internet, which brings displays of acts of violence to our phones, tablets, and computers. Violent acts may be on the other side of the world, in some far off place we would never go, carried out by a few, and yet, it feels like it is right in our own homes. There is a psychological impact, if nothing else, that nearly everyone feels.
What can we do about this? Well, start by finding something else to do rather than watching a constant news feed which includes acts of violence. One can be informed by the news without becoming obsessed with it. Prayer, I think, is a good, healthy response when we learn of acts of violence taking place. We bring it to God, with hearts of compassion, and pray for those affected or responding to difficult situations. Of course, if violence hits close to home, an even more personal response is appropriate as we care for those in need.
Violence, of course, plays a major part in the Christian faith. Like the victim in the parable, Jesus is stripped, beaten, and crucified on the cross. That's a hard thing to think about. But, in this case, it is an act of obedience and love. He does that for us, so that the violence within and without may be forgiven. More than that, through faith we are then transformed to be people of love, to show all the world that violence is not God's will, but rather, we have been made to love one another. May we seek to be examples of love this day, showing those around us there is a better way than the majority of things we see on the news.