Monday, March 2, 2015

11th Day of Lent The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Priceless Pearl, Matthew 13:44-46 - Precious Lord

In today's devotion, which begins another set of parables, the author makes reference to the Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer and his well known painting, "The Girl with the Pearl Earring."  You can look at this painting by clicking here.  I'm certainly no art critic, but apparently this pearl became the focal point of this painting and became the defining point of his work.

What would people say is the defining point in your life?  When they think of you, what do they see as important?   Your spouse?  Your family?  Your house?  Your job?  Your personality?  Your looks?  Your talents?  Your church involvement?  Your faith?  What is the "pearl" that people see?

In the parable of the priceless pearl, the merchant found one pearl so precious, he went and sold all he had and bought it.  For Christians, the priceless pearl is the kingdom of God, received by faith in Jesus Christ.  Hopefully, in my words and actions, that is what people see when they look at my life.  If so, thanks be to God.  I don't expect I'll ever be in a painting, certainly nothing like the girl in Vermeer's work, but there is still a "pearl" to be seen.    What "pearl" is most precious to you?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't discern much from the illustration of the painting in the devotion...thank you for helping me make the personal application of considering what "pearl" people may see in me.
