Wednesday, March 18, 2015

25th Day of Lent- Luke 15:4- One

Lost sheep mor...

As I've said in other places, parables often contain a surprise.  For example, it's surprising that the Samaritan helps the injured man by the road, and not the priest or Levite.  It's surprising that the owner of the vineyard pays a full day's wage to the workers that start last and only work a couple hours.  In this parable, I find it surprising that the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to go and find the one.  Isn't that a bit reckless?  Who's watching the ninety-nine?  Do you risk losing the whole flock to wild beasts or other peril, just to find the single sheep that is lost?

Well, in this parable, the answer is yes.  The one matters.  Perhaps the shepherd had a way to provide for the safety of the ninety-nine.  They were together, in one flock.  But there was one that was lost, very much in danger, and the one needs to be found and brought back to the flock.  The shepherd leaves his flock to find that one lost one.

Sometimes I wonder, do churches spend too much time caring for the ninety-nine, and too little time searching for the lost one?  If I'm honest, I have to admit that as a pastor over the years, most of my time has been spent caring for the ninety-nine. Most (not all) church members prefer to be involved with things that care for members of the flock.  It's risky, takes time, and pulls us out of our comfort zone as we search for the one that is lost.  This devotion is an important reminder that the one matters, especially to God.  Who is the one that you know that has wandered from the flock?  What can you do to bring them back?  That one matters to God and the angels of heaven. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for applying this story to our work in the church. While we think that we are involved in many ministries that reach out to others, your assessment that it's often more comfortable to serve those that we know is honest and realistic. This is an important challenge!
