The son, in the midst of his pain, still knew of his father's love. Even if his motive was just to survive and rebuild his life, he still knew he could go back. It would not be easy, but the door was still open.
God never closes the door on us. More than that, as the author suggests, God's love is like a magnet that pulls us back. God's Spirit is always at work, not forcing us to return, but giving us that opportunity over and over again. How fortunate we are that we have such a loving God, a love made abundantly clear on the cross. As Jesus said, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." He will draw all people. Even a disobedient son who once considered him dead. Even us. Thanks be to God.
I love the image of God's love being like a magnet. I want to work on the kind of goodness that pulled this son home...I hope my sons know they can always come home!