Sunday, March 22, 2015

The 5th Sunday in Lent- Luke 15:8-10- The Parable of the Lost Coin- Value

Today we begin the second of the three "lost" parables in Luke 15, the parable of the lost coin.  I can relate to this one pretty easily.  How many times have I lost something valuable and important to me, and, almost in a panic, looked everywhere I could think of until it was found.  Lost keys come to mind.  My cell phone.  Where did I put my wallet?  How about that missing credit card I used to buy something online?  Where could they have gone?  Like the woman in the parable I rack my brain and re-trace my steps until, usually, I'm able to find the lost item.  It was in my other coat pocket.  I thought I brought it home, but I left it at church.  O, that's right, I put it in the glove compartment in my car.  No matter where I found it, it's always a great sense of relief when the lost item is found!

Today's devotion reminds us that someone who is lost is of great value to God.  The lost one has in some way been detached from God.  How or in  exactly what way is less important than the fact that they are disconnected.  And so, like the woman who has lost the valuable coin, God goes looking until the lost one is found.  What a great message of hope.  We are all of great value to God.  When we go astray and find ourselves lost, God goes out and looks for us until we are found. There's no judgment here,  just rejoicing.  The lost has been found. Praise God!

Lord, if I'm in any way feeling lost and disconnected from you today, find me and bring me home.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. I especially appreciate the way this devotion points out that in this parable the lost item can not contribute to being found. It waits in a dark corner, totally disconnected from its owner. Sometimes we don't realize that we are lost or have the motivation to find our way back. Praise God that he doesn't give up on us!
