Monday, March 9, 2015

17th Day of Lent- Luke 10:34-35- Extravagance

The priest and the Levite who passed by the injured man on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho were probably in a hurry and on there way to something important.  But what about the Samaritan?  He probably was on his way to something important as well.  After all, isn't that why we have roads?  They are designed to take us some place we need to be.  Chances are you wouldn't be on the road unless you had some place to go for some important reason.

The Samaritan does indeed show extravagant mercy by giving the innkeeper two denarii, (about two days wages for a field laborer at that time) instructing him to take care of the man.  He even goes beyond that by promising to pay the innkeeper back for whatever he might spend in further assisting the injured man.  In the Utah legislature ( and probably in other state legislatures as well), any proposed bill has to have attached to it a "fiscal note" outlining what this will cost the taxpayer. As parishioner and friend Dave Allen pointed out when we were up at the capital a couple weeks ago, in the story of the Good Samaritan, there is no fiscal note attached.  The Samaritan simply gives what he has to help the man in need.

But what is truly extravagant to me is not the money given, but the time.  The Samaritan had surely some place to be.  That's why he was on the road!  But, unlike the priest and Levite, he took time to stop and help this man.  More than that, he took the time to place him on his own animal, probably a donkey, and take him to an inn to stay.  He stayed overnight with him, before giving the innkeeper the denarii to help pay for his needed care.  He took a full day out of his life to care for this injured man, and promised to stop by and check on him on his way back as well.  He was extravagant with his money, but I'm amazed at how extravagant he was with his time.

 There are many ways we can help others in need in the world.  Giving money is one important and necessary way.  But giving time truly makes an impact.  It shows a level of concern and compassion that  giving money alone cannot do.  Giving time takes caring to a deeper level.  In what ways do you give of your time to help others in need?  

1 comment:

  1. This devotion has given me a better sense of not only the kindness, but also the extreme generosity given by the Samaritan to a stranger. I am in awe of this amazing man!
