It's interesting that the Parable of the Good Samaritan concludes with words that focus on the actions of the Samaritan. When Jesus asks the lawyer "Which of the three was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" he answers, "The one who showed him mercy." He showed he was a neighbor by his acts of mercy. And then Jesus concludes, "Go and do likewise." "Go" and "do" are both verbs, words that command us to move and take action.
There are many people I admire, but will never be able to imitate, if by that I mean, "be just like them." We're each our own unique person, with certain gifts and abilities, placed in specific situations, for this season of life. I cannot be someone I am not, although sometimes I have tried to go down that path. But while I can't be another person, I can imitate the actions and values of those I admire. I think that's the lesson of this parable. As the Samaritan showed extravagant mercy without boundaries, so should I "go and do likewise."
As the author points out, we now have One whose boundless acts of love and mercy exceed even that of the Good Samaritan. It is Jesus himself who has shown us mercy, so we might be merciful to others. And more than that, by the gift of his Spirit, he empowers us to do so. As you enter into this day, may you be aware of the opportunities for you to be a neighbor to those around you. And may you be that neighbor through the acts of mercy you share.
1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us! Thank you for challenging us to look for opportunities to share love, not just accept the ones that fall into our laps.