Friday, March 13, 2015

21st Day of Lent- Matthew 20:3-5- Demand

With today's devotion we have passed the halfway point in the 40 day season of Lent.  One question to ask yourself is, "How is it going for me?"  Have I been able to give some spiritual focus to this season, in the midst of a world that does not do so?  Have I been able to do a little extra for a community full of so many needs?  These are questions to  to ask as we  continue our Lenten journey for the next 20 days.

Today's devotion focuses on the need for workers in the vineyard.  I particularly like the author's insight that the need for more workers throughout the day echoes the words of Jesus to the disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few," which then continues, "therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38) This, or course, is a verse about mission.  From its earliest beginnings, the Christian community has been a missionary church, understanding the good news of God's love is to be shared with others.

It's a big world we live in.  China has the world's largest population, at 1.4 billion.  India is next, at 1.3 billion.  The U.S., which is third, is small in comparison, at 325 million.  That's a big vineyard.  That's a lot of grapes!  What can one worker possibly accomplish in such a big place?  Well, it starts with one person, but one who is not working alone.  Together, in word and deed, we share the good news of God's love in a world broken in many ways.  We do our part, however big or small, while others do the same.  We all participate in the work, understanding the harvest is the Lord's. We trust God, through the work of God's laborers, will bring in the fruit.  There's lots of mission work to be done, so go out into the vineyard today, and do God's work!

1 comment:

  1. This brings to mind the small, faithful group who first knew Jesus...Paul, who persecuted those who believed in Jesus. From a small group of workers, the gospel has spread and persisted. Christ is counting on us to reach so many more!
